I am going to try to keep this blog as politically neutral as I can. Having said that if you are a citizen of the United States of America and over the age of 18 I want you get out and vote. I'm not going to tell you who to vote for. That is your decision. But please do a little research and don't vote for someone based upon what some talking head on the radio, internet, or TV told you to vote for.
The sad truth is whoever gets voted into office is going to have a rough time. I doubt much, if anything will happen. The Republicans will more than likely maintain their control of the House and the Democrats the Senate. That means in this era of partisanship that neither side is going to compromise and get any bills passed. When was the last time we actually had a budget passed? The Democrats will oppose Romney at all costs, and the Republicans Obama.
What I would like to see is an implementation of term limits. The president can only serve for 2 terms. I would like to see a similar policy instituted for both the House and Senate. This will clear the way for some new blood, not a bunch of career politician maggots whose first goal is to get elected, their second goal is to pay back those who donated to their campaign, and third goal is to ensure they get reelected. I'm sure at some point they will make some speeches about "changing the culture of Washington" and pretend to help their constituents. I know this is a pipe dream, but a guy can hope.
Bottom line - get off your ass and vote. Football won't be on so you won't have the butt magnet in your couch keeping you from leaving. Get out and make a difference. If you don't vote then you forfeit any right to bitch about the current state of affairs.