
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Star Mouse - Disney Wars?

Imagine my surprise when I read the headline “Disney to Acquire Star Wars for $4.04 Billion.” I then started to see the mash-ups of Star Wars and various Disney icons.  My first thought? Lucas must be close to death. Or maybe he’s gone mad. Or just about to retire.   Why else would he sell the baby that he has nursed since 1977? Lucas all but invented the “Movie Franchise” that ties in toys, food, clothing, and anything else you can slap a license onto. A sprawling franchise that encompasses Movies, TV, radio, toys, books, and comics, just to name a few. The list goes on. And on. And on.
My second thought was “Oh great, Disney is going to drive the final nail into Star Wars coffin. They will run past Jar Jar Binks and have Darth Goofus and Luke Skymouse.” They will turn it into a childrens property and try to erase anything that has been done before. That thought did not sit well with me.
I have been a fan of Star Wars since before there was Episode IV, when I first saw the Rebel Blockade Runner shoot past followed by the Imperial Star Destroyer.  I could not honestly count how many times I have seen the original trilogy. Or how many action figures I have owned.  I have most of the EU novels up to Vector Prime.  I ran, for a number of years, a West End Games Star Wars campaign when I lived in California.  You might say I am a bit familiar with the franchise.
I did not panic and run screaming to the interwebs declaring Armageddon. I sat back and thought about it and then I reviewed some of the Mouse’s other acquisitions. Pixar and  Marvel Comics are two of the most recent.   This brought me to my third thought.  Disney may have purchased these properties but so far it has let them continue, more or less, as they were.  The Thor, Captain America, and the Avengers films all came out under the Mouse’s watch. And I enjoyed all of them. I loved the Avengers. Pixar has put out some very good properties.  This has given me hope.
My hope is that even with Lucas as a “creative consultant” they will be able to get a team of writers.  Let me repeat that. A team of writers.  A team of writers that won’t have a bunch of brown nosing Yes people saying “Of course, Mr. Lucas, Jar Jar is a great character who will be beloved for generations.” Or “This is some of the most romantic writing I have ever seen. “ Or “I can totally see how Anakin would fall to the Dark Side from a series of dreams.”
I can only hope Star Wars will get some fresh writers, fresh ideas, and grow into something bigger.  A galaxy is a big place and there is a lot going on in it. I want to see it. I want to experience it. Despite that backlash and negative things I did enjoy the prequels over all.  I don’t feel that they raped my childhood or any such drama.  There were some very good elements, visually they were stunning.  But they are what they are.
What will happen to my beloved Star Wars Franchise?  At this time I am going to remain optimistic.  With the franchise no longer being held in the Force Grip of Lucas I can hope that there will be new stories, new characters, and fresh excitement A Long time ago in a Galaxy Far, far away . . .

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