
Friday, April 3, 2015

Rolling the Bones - and by that I mean Runes!

I have begun a new journey in my spirituality. For those of you who did not know I am Pagan. No, I'm not Wiccan. I do not follow any of the "major" religions. Instead I am going back to my ancestors and feel a calling in my blood for the ancient Norse gods.  Part of that calling are Runes, the ancient language that were also used as a form of divination.

I have begun this journey and one of the things I have decided to explore are Runes. I have begun to craft my own set. The first aett (family) have been made. I am waiting to be able to get more stones as there are twenty-four runes in total.

The runes above, top row are Wunjo, Thurisaz, Gebo, Raidho, second row - Uruz, Fehu, Kenaz, and Ansuz. 

The runes will not tell you the future but they will help you look at a situation. I plan to use the 
"Casting the Norns" method. The Norns were the goddesses of Fate. Past, present, and future. Present your situation and draw three runes. The first will represent the situation in the past, then the situation in the present, and then finally the last rune will help represent an outcome.

I am excited to finish my set and test it out. I will consecrate each rune and imbue my energy into them. I also plan to keep a journal to document what I learn. As I grow I will also turn to other methods of casting. I am keeping it simple at first.

I invite and welcome open discussions but I won't tolerate rudeness or insults. Take that to other places.


  1. Thanks. I really like how the sodalite looks .It was easy to carve the runes themselves with my dremmel too.
