As 2012 slowly closes I look to the future. 2012 has been a roller-coaster, one helluv a ride. I survived it so I guess that is all one can ask. We survived the Mayan End of the Age thing, and alas the events of Shadowrun did not occur.
As I get older I realize that New Years Resolutions are done to try and make you feel better. I am going to stop doing something. I will start doing something. Of course, statistically speaking, resolutions will be abandoned at the earliest opportunity. Having typed that, I do think they can help identify things that need change.
I look forward to 2013. It is a clean slate in a lot of aspects. I have dug up some of my old writing and I'm revisiting it and pushing forward. I plan to try the e-publishing thing once I'm ready. A scary step but exciting! We plan to have the tub ready for the heater by tax refund. My car will be closer to being paid off. The next Hobbit installment! A new Star Trek movie! So many things, plus those not even looked forward to.
Today is the last day of my vacation. Instead of stressing about going back to work, the fiscal cliff, or anything else too negative. I find that people concentrate too much on the negative and don't seize the day. Gods above and below know I am guilty of that. Bad things are going to happen. I prefer to think about the good things - finding an old friend, getting another project on the house done, spending time with my wife.
As I look to 2013 I am thankful. Thanksgiving officially comes once a year (in the States) but you really should take time to be thankful for what you have more than once a year. I am thankful for my supporting and loving family. I have a decent job that I don't totally hate (most of the time). I have good friends. I live in a fantastic city. Can things be better? of course. But when I think about all I have and read reports about those who have less than I do I realize I have it pretty good.
So how about y'all? What do you all hope for or plan to do in 2013?
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